This data is similar to the data displayed in the Grafana dashboard.

Prometheus graph showing the number of cloud watch requests. Screenshot of Prometheus showing the configured targets, in this case, cloud watch exporter
After the change, started seeing Prometheus collect metrics.Ĭlick on Graph and select a specific parameter to view the time series corresponding to that attribute.Ĭlick on Status/Targets to check the health of the data sources added. Note: Had to change from localhost:1234 to :1234 due to a bizarre connectivity issue. # The job name is added as a label `job=` to any timeseries scraped from this config. # A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape: # Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'. # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s). Default is every 1 minute.Įvaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. Scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Setup instructions to add AWS cloud watch metrics scrape config into Prometheus:Įdit prometheus.yml to include the below configuration: yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus Success! You should now be able to access the CloudWatch metrics here.ĭocker run -p 9090:9090 -v /Users/jayam000/cw/prometheus-2.36.1.linux-amd64/prometheus. The original file used can be found as an attachment.Īws_dimensions: Sample yml file to capture the request counts on AWS. Run the exporter: java -jar cloudwatch_exporter-0.6.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar 1234 cloudwatchmonconfig.yml $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID : enter_your_access_key_here AWS Secret Access Key : enter_your_secret_key_hereDefault region name :ĭefault output format : Running the Exporter:ĪWS Exporter Git Hub Local Path to AWS Exporter:Ĭd /Users/jayam000/cw/prometheus-2.36.1.linux-amd64/cloudwatchexporters Passing in the key and access can be done more elegantly.
How to run a CloudWatch exporter locally:Įstablish an AWS session for the exporter.

Generate a key and secret access key for that user.Assign CloudWatchReadOnly permissions to that user. Prometheus allows us to define the scraping frequency, so we can adjust the frequency of calls to CloudWatch to eventually tune the cost. The CloudWatchExporter's /metrics endpoint should then be added to the Prometheus configuration as a scrape job. Using that configuration, the exporter will collect those metrics from CloudWatch every 15 seconds (default) and expose them as key-value pairs in the '/metrics' API response. The CloudWatch Exporter will collect the metrics from AWS Cloud watch every 15 seconds (default), and it will expose them as key/value pairs in /the metrics API response. CloudWatch Exporter is an open-source tool to capture metrics as defined in yml configuration file. These tools give greater visibility other than collecting the metrics also, where we can set up critical alerts, live views, and custom dashboards. Prometheus and Grafana are the most powerful, robust open-source tools for monitoring, collecting, visualizing, and performance metrics of the deployed applications in production. Before we start comparing the two technologies, let’s do a quick high-level overview of both.The main purpose of this article and use case is to scrape AWS CloudWatch metrics into the Prometheus time series and to visualize the metrics data in Grafana. You can also host a Prometheus instance in the cluster and then metrics are exported to CloudWatch using the CloudWatch adapter. As one of the workarounds, you can use CloudWatch exporter and export metrics from CloudWatch to a Prometheus instance.

For example, currently, CloudWatch does not support Kubernetes metrics ( Issue link here). Prometheus and CloudWatch are very different in the problem they solve and a 1-1 comparison seems unfair but as you start moving to cloud-native stack, Prometheus starts popping up in conversations and for many right reasons. This post will try to explore various aspects and pros and cons of both options individually and as a combination. When an organization earlier using VMs in AWS decides to move to Kubernetes (Either EKS or self-managed in AWS), one of the questions that come up is should one continue to use CloudWatch or switch to some other tool like Prometheus? While it is not an exactly apple to apple comparison, there are reasons to explore this and choose tooling that is built for the future.
Many companies are moving to Kubernetes as the platform of choice for running software workloads.